Verlingue CHM: Healthy employees for a healthy company

18 June 2024

The health and performance of employees are crucial to the success of a company. We help you optimise your corporate health management (CHM) and achieve positive long-term results.

A healthy workforce is the capital of every company. This capital is increasingly at risk. In a world characterised by stress and insecurity, mental health in particular is coming under increasing pressure, exacerbated by events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts. The figures speak for themselves: in the last 5 years, the number of absences among 15-24-year-olds has risen by 60 %. 30.3 % of employees feel emotionally exhausted and 50 % of employees are absent at least once a year, costing a company between CHF 600 and CHF 1,000 on average per day of absence. Work-related stress costs employers in Switzerland CHF 6.5 billion per year. Against this backdrop, effective occupational health management (CHM) is becoming increasingly important.

We can help you – competently and neutrally

Many companies are aware of the benefits of CHM and would like to do more for the health of their employees. However, they are often unsure how to proceed or where they should invest their time and money most effectively. This is why we created the “Verlingue CHM” service, which provides our clients with independent and professional support in all matters relating to employee health. Through “Verlingue CHM”, we offer our clients a wide range of effective solutions in prevention, absence and case management. Our approach is systematic and holistic. Our experts analyse the overall situation, define the relevant areas of action and work with the client to determine the appropriate individual measures.

Partnering with the best specialists for you

We work together with recognised specialists in all areas of CHM, and call them in as partners where necessary. As a neutral consultant, we always want to offer our clients the greatest possible freedom of choice, so you can choose the most suitable partner from several options. Thanks to our rigorous pre-selection process, you save the time and cost of your own evaluation, you can always be sure that you are in the best hands and you benefit from special Verlingue conditions (5% – 15% depending on the service and partner). All in all, “Verlingue CHM” offers a very attractive service package for companies of all sizes.

Invest in the health of your employees and benefit from a strong, motivated team that drives your business forward. We’ll show you how.